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The best proxy server for the United Kingdom

Residential ProxiesResidential Proxies
ISP ProxiesISP Proxies
Unlimited ProxiesUnlimited Proxies
Datacenter ProxiesDatacenter Proxies
Traffic (bandwidth)
Number of IPs
Time period
Number of IPs

2.6 M+ IPs

Access & crawl all sophisticated websites

0.4sec market-leading response time

Average 99.9% uptime

Unlimited sessions and bandwidth

Unlimited traffic and IPs

Exceptional speeds with avg. 99.9% uptime

Cost-effective solution

Base for

Review monitoring

Ad verifications

Travel fare aggregation

Web security

Market research

Brand protection

Email protection

Traffic-intensive data collection

Review monitoring

Ad verifications

Multi-account management

Market intelligence

Market intelligence

Cyber security


Proxy locations in the UK by largest IP count

CityNumber of IPsProtocolBandwidth

UK proxies powered by millions of real Brits

Thordata provides one of the largest UK proxy pools in the market.Scale your business with uninterrupted streams of web data and never get restricted or misled by other websites because of your’ll be able to access geo-restricted content and avoid IP blocks without a hassle.

Ethically sourced proxies

We believe that ethically sourced proxies should be the only proxies.

Reliable infrastructure

Our team ensures up to 99.95% success rates of residential proxies.

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UK proxies powered by millions of real Brits

Become unblockable with UK IP addresses

Our anonymous UK proxy servers provide tailored solutions to your specific needs. Nearly 2.6 million unique UK proxies IP addresses will translate into superior performance and unrivaled UK proxies service. This coupled with rotating or sticky sessions will further increase your anonymity and security levels.

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Become unblockable with UK IP addresses

Why you should not use a free UK proxy

Yes, it may sound tempting. But you should be aware of the risks that a free UK proxy poses when it comes to online security. Here’s why using free proxies is a big no-no:

Malicious free UK proxy servers can intercept passwords and login details.

Your information could be sold to third parties, leading to a whole new set of problems.

Buy proxies
Why you should not use a free UK proxy

Use proxies to scale your project

Review monitoring

Review monitoring

Gain insights into your target audience and predict market trends with Thordata's powerful and reliable residential IP.

Travel fare aggregation

Travel fare aggregation

Get a list of residential proxies to collect real-time regional data, send unlimited concurrent connection requests , and help you grab tickets successfully.

Brand protection

Brand protection

Uses city-level high-quality proxies to easily collect valuable SEO data and conduct competitor research.

Ad Verifications

Ad Verifications

Collect data seamlessly. Test ads, optimization , CPA and verify connections to real desktop IP addresses.

Frequently asked questions

What is a UK proxy server?

A UK proxy server is a server located in the UK that acts as an intermediary between your device and the internet. A UK proxy server offers anonymity, bypasses restrictions and blocks, web content scraping, and implements content filtering policies.

Is it legal to buy UK proxies?

Yes, it is generally legal to buy UK proxies. Proxies are legitimate tools used for various purposes, including improving privacy, security, and accessing geo-restricted content. We at Thordata ensure to comply with all privacy and GDPR laws.

How do I get a UK proxy ip address?

To start using a UK proxy IP, users can sign up and choose an appropriate plan that suits their needs.

How can I buy UK proxies?

We offer a variety of modern proxy types, please visit our proxy pricing page for detailed pricing plans to suit your business needs

Can I track my UK proxy usage?

Yes,As soon as you sign up for one of our subscription plans and have access to our dashboard, simply click on the Traffic usage tab, easy-peasy. There you’ll see just how much traffic you’ve used.

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Buy UK Proxies

Get started in just a few minutes and leverage the full potential of proxies.

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