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Residential Proxies

Residential Proxies

Fastest residential response and more refined targeting, made up of 60M+ highest quality proxies

Starts from

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Best for:

Ad Validation

Load Testing

Review Monitoring

ISP Proxies

ISP Proxies

Long-term or even lifetime use of real residential IP anywhere in the world, providing efficient online access with minimal latency

Starts from

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Best for:

Anti-Detection Browser


Social Media

Unlimited Proxies

Unlimited Proxies

Unparalleled privacy and top-notch security, with unlimited bandwidth, unlimited traffic and IPs

Starts from

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Best for:

Censorship Monitoring

Market Research

Email Protection

Datacenter Proxies

Datacenter Proxies

Suitable for increasing online anonymity for a specific number of IPs, cost-effective, fast, and unlimited traffic tasks.

Starts from

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Best for:


E-Commerce Market

Ad Verification

Explore top global proxy pool locations

One of the most reliable and largest proxy services on the market with 60 Million+ IPs, access the information you need and target by state, country, city, browse the web, collect data and manage multiple accounts.

Frequently asked questions

Where to buy proxy?

Thordata controls the world's best proxy servers, serving Fortune 500 companies and over 5,000 customers. Its global proxy network includes:
Overall, this is one of the most reliable scraping proxy networks on the market.

How to purchase a proxy?

Build your proxy server list instantly with Thordata! Get started for free, no credit card required Affordable and very stable proxies, 99.7% reliability.

Are free proxies worth it?

They may not encrypt your data, leaving your information vulnerable to interception and hacking. Additionally, some free proxies are operated by malicious entities that could track your activities or inject malware into your device.

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Get started in just a few minutes and leverage the full potential of proxies.

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